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Art 039: 2009-11-27 Wat sou Hendrik die Agste tog hiervan gesê het?

F.H. Pretorius,

Vatikaan nou bedrywig in Engeland self!

Ek glo nie ek hoef veel meer te sê as wat die opskrifte hierbo doen nie, want die onderstaande berigte vertel dit beter as wat ek kan. Wat meer kan ek sê as dat die skaakwedstryd om die beheer van Europa duidelik al hoe feller word?

Ek kan miskien net hier byvoeg dat die Britse vorstehuis skynbaar teenoor méér dinge simpatiek staan as bloot net die Rooms Katolisisme. Prins Phillip, die koningin se handperdjie, is ‘n erkende ‘Eugenic’ wie se geestelike wortels diep in die (Rooms Katolieke) Naziisme lê. En die koningin self sal blykbaar enigiets ondersteun wat haar nóg ryker kan maak.

Ek het ook al verskeie bronne raakgelees dat prins Charles ‘n sterk ondersteuner van allerhande okkultiese bedrywighede is, asook die Boeddhisme. (Daar is selfs ‘n boek deur ene Tim Cohen geskryf met die titel, ‘Antichrist and a Cup of Tea’, waarin die skrywer beweer dat prins Charles die Antichris is!)

Dit blyk verder ook dat hy veral baie simpatiek teenoor die Islam staan. Die kenners van Nostradamus sê juis dat hy gesê het dat die Islam Europa amper heeltemal gaan oorneem voordat Engeland uiteindelik wakker sal word vir die gevaar. Hulle sal die res van die Europese vasteland eers hierna begin help om die Islam te verdryf. Ek weet nie veel van Nostradamus se kwatryne nie, maar dit maak nogal sin as die Islam een van die huidige Britse troonopvolger se voorkeure is.

Die Britse vorstehuis se invloed strek natuurlik baie wyer as wat ons miskien altyd van weet. Die bekende Amerikaanse senator, Lyndon H. La Rouche, sê baie reguit dat pres. Obama vanuit Londen beheer word, en dat die Britse monargie die toutjies trek! Hierdie La Rouche is al ‘n ou man met baie dekades se ondervinding in die Amerikaanse wetgewer agter hom, en hy weet dus baie goed waarvan hy praat. (*Sien aanhaling uit berig heel onder.)

Maar nou wonder ek wat Hendrik die Agste van al hierdie dinge sou gesê het! Hy was per slot van sake dié man wat die Rooms Katolisisme redelik hardhandig uit Engeland gegooi het …. en hier is die Pous sowaar besig om ‘n terugkeer te maak!

Frik Pretorius.

Aanhaling uit The Trumpet:
Britain May Legalize Catholic Monarchy
November 27, 2009 From

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said that he wants to scrap the 300-year-old law that forbids a Roman Catholic becoming monarch. Brown said that he would discus the issue with other heads of governments on the margins of a Commonwealth summit in Trinidad on Friday.
He also said he wanted to change the ancient rule of primogeniture, which puts men ahead of women in succession to the throne.
Allowing a Catholic monarch would mean changing the Act of Settlement of 1701. (u)Brown told the House of Commons on Wednesday that he believes the Act of Settlement is out of date.
Changes of this magnitude, however, can only be made if all the realms that have the Queen as their head of state agree to them, Brown told the Commons. ‘That is why it is important to discuss this with all members of the Commonwealth including countries such as Australia and Canada,’ he said.
Historically, Buckingham Palace has been opposed to any such changes. But today, many believe it is sympathetic to the idea.
Repealing the Act would have complicated legal ramifications, causing existing legislation to come under review and alteration, including the 1707 Act of Union. In addition, a Catholic on the throne of Britain would technically be the head of the Church of England.
British history contains centuries of power struggles between Britons and Catholic popes. England broke from the Vatican in 1534 under King Henry viii, establishing the British monarch as head of the Anglican Church. But now the pope is gathering the Anglicans back into the mother church. Talk of the obstacles to a Catholic monarch being abolished is another part of this trend. For more information, see our article ‘The Vatican’s Attack on Britain.’

*Aanhaling uit ‘n artikel op EIR van senator La Rouche (VSA) oor pres. Obama.

‘… Wall Street and the rest of the world is completely in a world of unreality. The President is clinically insane—I can say that’s not an exaggeration, that’s a matter of fact. This guy is not in the real world. And he’s not good, he’s evil. There’s no question that his policies on health care are absolutely identical to those of Adolf Hitler, beginning officially September of 1939: a policy which Hitler had intended earlier, as he had said, but he didn’t dare introduce it, until the war had started, because he believed that only under wartime conditions could he get by with a stunt like that.

So, we’re dealing with a President, who is committed deliberately to a policy of genocide! And if you look at the way Hitler’s policy of genocide proceeded, from September, especially from Oct. 1, of that year, until the end, till the end of him, you see that the Obama and his friends in London—because he’s run from London, not the from United States; he’s run by the British monarchy, not by the voters of the United States—are moving exactly in that direction. If you don’t stop Obama’s health-care policy now, you will not have a United States. You will have something worse than Hitler produced, because it will be on a global scale, not limited to some part of the planet.

So therefore, we have to change these things, and change them now.

Einde van aanhalings.

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